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Say Goodbye to Soda


Thornton, CO

Goal: Get off the sugar and the soda; feel stronger and lose weight

Time w/ RightFitt: 1.5 years Achievement: Lost 13 lbs and 16 inches. Changed nutrition habits

So you have kids... you have a husband or wife... you have sports... you have practices... you have work... all of your money needs to buy the kids new things, more things... pay bills. And to top it off, you seem to be a bit addicted to soda...Can you REALLY GET HEALTHY!?? The answer is YES - you just have to make the choice to do it.

At first glance, you might not know what a persons nutritional habits are like! The first Tammy is still petite, but was she happy with her health, habits and weight? No... The second Tammy has a new found ENERGY for life!! And it all started with one commitment - she joined a RightFitt challenge! Not only did she lose 13 lbs and 16 inches finding healthy habits - but she ditched the soda along the way!!!

What did Tammy go through? Let's hear from her.....In Tammy's words

"Where does YOUR journey start? It’s funny, but mine is a little cliché, it started when realized that I am turning 40 next year. I’m a mother of four; I not only have 4 amazing daughters, but I have a wonderful/supportive husband and work an amazing fulltime job. Even with all of that, I wasn’t happy with MYSELF. I started thinking, why wasn’t I happy. I realized it was ME, in the mirror. I didn’t like looking at myself.

I have tried ‘dieting’ before and of course, it didn’t work. Why? Now I know why, I didn’t have the tools I needed to learn how to eat right. I was eating out all of the time, drinking at least 4 sodas each day and throwing in at least one energy drink a day. I was at the heaviest weight I had ever been. I joined a RightFitt Challenge in February 2014 and with the support and accountability, I was able to gain the confidence, energy and the knowledge I needed to make a life change. RightFitt isn’t a diet, it’s a group of friends, all with the same goal, to learn how to live a healthy lifestyle. In just over 6 months, I have lost just over 13 lbs and 16 inches. I thank everyone on the Project Me FaceBook page for giving me the motivation and support to continue and push myself to make me a healthier, happier and better ME!!!!"

Tammy made her changes around a BUSY family schedule!! Her daughters, all athletes, keep her on her toes. Don't use your family as an excuse - MAKE THEM THE REASON YOU DECIDE TO BE PROACTIVE WITH YOUR HEALTH!

Want your own FITT RESULTS??

Coach Caley helped Tammy achieve her results!! Fill out this form and select Caley! She will get back to you asap and she coaches around the globe! SEE HER BIO HERE!

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