How Much Can You Really Improve In 10 Days?
Have a vacation coming up? Maybe a wedding? Maybe YOUR wedding? Perhaps a photoshoot? High school reunion!? There are many reasons we might want to 'Go Ham' and get insane fast results... so here is a little guidance.
First thing - This is NOT meant to be a regular experience; but instead it's something you can do a couple times a year for a fine tune up. You can make dramatic improvements to your appearance in just 10 days. BUT here is the need to put in the proper work PRIOR to starting this diet. And yes - THIS IS A DIET... You know that RightFitt supports healthy regular LIFESTYLE... but from time to time, this might be something you want to do.
In order for this guide to work, you need to start it with a decent degree of muscle mass and be sure your body fat levels are close to your goal look.
This program works best when your body fat stores are be low enough that you already sport a six-pack. Your six-pack doesn't need to pop, but all six abdominals should be clearly visible in the mirror while flexing. If they are not, keep training and eating clean, and revisit this protocol when you're ready for the finishing touches.
It's almost impossible to lose more than 3-5 pounds of pure fat in 10 days—even on the most extreme diets. So don't kid yourself into thinking you've lost 10-plus pounds of fat once this diet is over.
On the flipside, it is possible to drop more than 10 pounds of weight in 10 days. Most of it will be in the form of water, but that's OK, because when you drop water from an already lean and muscular body, you look tighter and more defined!

An Example: Weight 140lbs
Calorie intake = 1400 calories (140*10)
Fat intake ≤ 35g (140*.25)
Water before program = 2 liters
Days 10, 9, 8, 7, 6
Protein intake = 210g
Carb intake = 70g
Water intake = 2 liters
Tea w/ ½ scoop Pdm
Multivitamin, CellActivator, Cell U Loss, Total Control, Aminogen (and other tablets I use)
Shake – 2 scoops F1, 1 Scoop PDM, 3tbsp Personalized Protein Powder
Cell U Loss, Aminogen
2 Scoops Wild Berry Bev Mix w/ 1 scoop prolessa and 3 Tbsp Personalized Protein Powder
Aminogen, Cell U Loss
Shake – 2 scoops F1, 1 Scoop PDM, 3tbsp Personalized Protein Powder
Aminogen, Cell U Loss, Multivitamin, Total Control (other tablets)
2 Scoops Wild Berry Bev Mix w/ 1 scoop prolessa and 3 Tbsp Personalized Protein Powder
Cell U Loss, Aminogen
16 oz chicken breast, veggies, greek yogurt
Multivitamin, CellActivator, Cell U Loss, Aminogen (and other tablets I use)
Day 5
Protein intake = 210g
Carb intake = 35g
Water intake = 2 liters
Tea plain
2 scoops peach bev mix or eggs
Multivitamin, CellActivator, Cell U Loss, Total Control, Aminogen (and other tablets I use)
2 Scoops Wild Peach Bev Mix w/ 1 scoop prolessa and 3 Tbsp Personalized Protein Powder
Aminogen, Cell U Loss
Greek yogurt, 6oz chicken breast
Cell U Loss, Aminogen
2 Scoops Wild Berry Bev Mix w/ 1 scoop prolessa and 3 Tbsp Personalized Protein Powder
Aminogen, Cell U Loss, Multivitamin, Total Control (other tablets)
Veggies Raw
2 scoops bev mix
Cell U Loss, Aminogen
16 oz chicken breast, veggies, greek yogurt
Multivitamin, CellActivator, Cell U Loss, Aminogen (and other tablets I use)
Day 4
Protein intake = 210g
Carb intake = 0g
Water intake = 2 liters
Tea plain
Chicken and Salsa
Multivitamin, CellActivator, Cell U Loss, Total Control, Aminogen (and other tablets I use)
2 Scoops Wild Peach Bev Mix w/ 1 scoop prolessa and 3 Tbsp Personalized Protein Powder
Aminogen, Cell U Loss
Greek yogurt, 6oz chicken breast
Cell U Loss, Aminogen
1 scoop prolessa and 3 Tbsp Personalized Protein Powder
Aminogen, Cell U Loss, Multivitamin, Total Control (other tablets)
Veggies Raw
Chicken and lettuce with hot sauce
Cell U Loss, Aminogen
16 oz chicken breast, veggies, greek yogurt
Multivitamin, CellActivator, Cell U Loss, Aminogen (and other tablets I use)
Day 3
Protein intake = 70g
Carb intake = 350g
Water intake = 4 liters
Day 2
Protein intake = 70g
Carb intake = 350g
Water intake = 2 liters
Day 1
Protein intake = 70g
Carb intake = 350g
Water intake = 1 liters
Here is the truth... I don't use this to 'Show' so I didn't do the suggested carb increase on days 3, 2 and 1. Instead I went with my simple: 2 shakes, 1 protein snack and 1 colorful meal restricting salt. (max of 1 carb per day) This is my normal eating anyhow!
Take before and after pictures if you participate in this 10 day tune up and share your results with us!
Here is the primary guideline that I used to create my program.