Lose Weight....Win Money.... Compete Against the Opposite Sex!!

We are excited to offer our 5th Annual #FittVote Challenge!! Our coaches have pulled together to offer you some incredible coaching and insight that will help you GET RESULTS!! WHO SHOULD JOIN? YOU!! Anyone who wants to learn the proper ways to live a healthy lifestyle including nutrition and fitness coaching. WHAT WILL YOU TEACH ME? - Weigh Loss Tools - Muscle Gain Technique - Macro and Micro Nutrient Goals - Digestive Health - Sleep/Stress and Effect on Weight Loss - Metabolism and Energy Management - Efficient Exercise - LONG TERM MANAGEABLE RESULTS!! HOW DOES IT WORK? - Msg your FittCoach (who invited you) - Meet Coach for Success Session - Together create your nutrition and fitness plan based on goals - Weekly meetings online - Option to join in our exercise groups OR watch online workouts!! HOW MUCH DOES IT COST? $35 for an individual or $50 for a "couple" aka guy/girl combo WHAT ARE THE PRIZES?? ** Entry fees go back towards YOU!! - Most weight loss by % Men - Most weight loss by % Women - THE VOTE!!! How good is your campaigning!? WIN prizes for getting the most votes with your pics and personal story! WEIGH IN THE 2ND - 9TH WEIGHT OUT BY OCTOBER 18TH BOYS VS GIRLS In addition - this is a fun opportunity to see who has the most skill - the boys or the girls!! We will have fun challenges and prizes for the group that does the best! Find a guy or girl to compete against or with! Create fun 'campaigning groups' for even more fun!