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Even the "Super Fitt" Need a Little Boost!!

Fitt Results Alert:

Lynn Tomasek

Business Owner and Momma from Thornton, CO

Goal: Get Re-invigorated Achievement: Lost 10lbs and found a new PASSION

World meet Lynn! She’s a super busy 43 year old business owner, wife and mom to 2 teenagers (18 and 16!) After a busy day at work, she spends many nights and weekends at the soccer fields and/or basketball courts watching her daughter play sports. And if she catches free time, Lynn loves to travel with her husband and family! So why would she add anything else to her already full plate!?? You'll understand if you join this community...because not only did Lynn start joining in on RightFitt challenges and ProjectMe, but she fell so in love with everything, she became a FittCoach!.

If you know or follow Lynn, you might be thinking - Why would LYNN need any fitness challenge. She rocks her workouts and fitness and has always been an inspiration.

In fact, Lynn started lifting and playing many sports in high school. She played college basketball and continues to play in a women’s league as an adult. She has always enjoyed lifting weights, and as a result of working for her physical results, she has always been FITT.

What's even more, as an adult she’s competed in various races (triathlons and marathons, and other shorter races) and competed (and placed 2nd) in a figure competition! So WHY RIGHTFITT!??

EVERYONE needs a little motivation and support from time to time...In 2019, Lynn started to gain a few pounds

"I figured it was just because I was getting older."

She was also getting bored with the same workout routines. But Lynn doesn't "just give up". She started to seek out solutions, refusing to settle. Then she found the Rightfitt challenges and ProjectMe! These programs helped her feel excited about working out again and to lean down. Not only did Lynn lose 10lbs, but the challenges helped her stay on track with a workout plan and nutrition she enjoys and can fit into her busy schedule.

“I’m so incredibly thankful I found this community to be a part of! I love the people I have met along they way. I love inspiring others and in doing so it helps me stay motivated!”

After just a few months of getting back on track, it was a natural transition for Lynn to start coaching other people! Despite her already full plate, Lynn's passion to help others with the use of such simple tools and programs was a no brainer! As you can imagine, while Lynn's only been part of RightFitt for less than a year, she has passion and years of personal experience that she brings to the table to help others improve their fitness and nutrition and maintain a healthy lifestyle!

If you are looking to elevate your health or get back on track, set up a free consultation with Lynn and see what would work best for you!!

If you are ready to take a leap and give YOURSELF the chance to make the change, fill out this form and request a

If you don't know another RightFitt client or coach, pick Lynn as your contact!!

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