Angie Worrall
44 year old from Brighton, CO
Goal: Lose 40lbs, wear a bikini proudly and fit in my fav pair of white jeans
Achievement: Lost 42lbs and SO MUCH MORE
Another amazing story brought to you straight from their words!!:

Caley asked me recently what brought me to ProjectMe, and the first answer that popped into my head was,
“I joined ProjectMe because I was tired of being sad”
Tired of looking in the mirror and letting my perception of my image define me
Tired of the majority of my clothes not fitting
Tired of feeling like I was sitting on the sidelines of my own life and not really participating in it
Tired of always feeling depressed and lack energy to do anything
In early 2017 my sister was diagnosed with thyroid cancer (thankfully she had surgery and is living cancer free). I underwent my second knee surgery, the stress with my job was overwhelming, and then suddenly I lost my father to a cancer he was diagnosed with less then 30 days before. All of this just cumulated so quickly that I just got lost in the sadness of it all. I stopped caring about what I ate, how I looked, how my clothes fit, going to any events, hanging out with friends, or enjoying the things I used to. I was just overwhelmed with sadness.
Fast forward to December 2018. I saw an ad for ProjectMe, and that was it! I had seen the ads before, and had talked with Caley about the program before, but I just wasn’t in the right place until now - I was finally done with being sad! I knew I needed structure, accountability, local people I could connect with, and a safe place to focus on me!
I started my ProjectMe journey on Monday January 7th, 2019 and have not stopped! My original goals were to lose 40 pounds, wear a bikini proudly, and fit into my favorite pair of white jeans.
What I have achieved since starting:
I lost 45 pounds by mid October (7.5 months)
Sleep better
No more digestion issues
Increased energy
Reduced knee pain
Regained my confidence
I wore a bikini all summer and each day on our cruise and felt comfortable in my own skin!!
Finally, those white jeans are actually too big for me now!
ProjectMe has helped me find me again! With the support and guidance of the amazing people I have met in the ProjectMe group, I have learned to love myself, love my reflection, and embrace how amazing it is to be present in my own life!
I can’t wait to see what more I will discover in 2020!
After writing this, Angie did her first photo shoot! And not just any shoot, but the once a year most dedicated lingerie photoshoot! And she rocked it!

Since then Angie managed to enjoy the heck out of her 2020 year. She was able to "have her cake and eat it too". Through covid life, camping trips, boating and more, Angie managed to keep her weight off while enjoying all of the things she loves most.

Angie is a lifetime ProjectMe, as many of us are. She chooses to be active in the program and it helps her stay in tune with her goals as well as helps her stay on track. She participates in many of the #RightFittChallenge and has had multiple people join the community. She has even done multiple photoshoots. We are proud to have her in the community!I
Check Out My Coach - Caley Carroll
If you are looking to elevate your health or get back on track, set up a free consultation with Coach Caley and see what would work best for you!!
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